Letter From Levine
Letter from the Editor

What is up everyone! If you have made it this far and you are reading this! I appreciate all the love and support that is going towards this magazine! This magazine has been a vision of ours for a few years now but have recently felt that we are ready and capable of producing a consistent monthly publication that showcases the art, the history, and the culture of the fingerboarding scene.
The first issue is always the most important! It sets the tone and creates a new experience to each fingerboarder that is reading this. This magazine is made for people that are fans of fingerboarding, but more importantly this magazine is made by fingerboarders for fingerboarders!
We’re taking it OLD SCHOOL...kind of. There’s too much happening in the fingerboarding world to let it vanish in a sea of scrolling. Our first goal? Give you a space to celebrate what’s real and what’s steezy. This magazine is here to spotlight the people making things happen. You’re going to meet creators with the guts and grit to keep fingerboarding alive, just like the underground skate scene we grew up with.
Second goal: we’re PRINTING this thing. Yeah, we’re doing digital, but you’re also getting something you can hold, collect, and slap on your coffee table. This is about making something that’s ours, that sticks around. Flip through these pages, save it, share it, let it get a little beat up. Subscriptions will be open for U.S. readers straight from our site, shipped right to your door. And as we keep growing, this mag’s going to be in fingerboard and skate shops, and wherever real heads gather across the USA. We’re building a spot for the scene, a place for the stories, spots, and setups that inspire us all. @USAFBL and now...